Research College Scholarships Postgraduate and Development Corporation, Scholarships Australia

College Scholarships Sugar Research and Development Corporation funded Postgraduate including PhD, Master’s and Graduate Diploma scholarships for the applicants of Australia in Australia Scholarships 2011- 2012

Study Subject(s): Various
College Scholarships Level: Postgraduate including PhD, Masters and Graduate Diploma
Scholarship Provider: Sugar Research and Development Corporation
Scholarships can be taken at: Australia

- Relevance of the proposed course of study to the sugar industry and to the SRDC R&D Plan.
- Potential of the candidate as a student and/or researcher, and probability of successful completion of the course – based on the student’s academic record and referees’ comments.
- Short listed applicants will be also required to take aptitude and psychometric tests, make a short presentation and undertake an interview
- Potential for the candidate to make a future contribution to the sugar industry – based on the likely value to the industry of the general field of the proposed study.

International Scholarships for International Students: No
Scholarships 2011 Description: SRDC works in partnership with the Australian sugarcane industry and the Australian Government to foster an innovative and sustainable sugarcane industry, through targeted investment in research and development into sustainable productivity in sugarcane growing, harvesting and/or milling as outlined in the National Sugarcane Industry Research, Development and Extension Strategy which is approved by the industry and the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.

Further Research College Scholarships Postgraduate and Development Corporation, Australia Information and Application detail in website:

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